Emma Murphy

Emma Murphy

Founder & CEO - Eating Freely ltd

About Emma Murphy MIACP Emma Murphy is a Psychotherapist specializing in disordered eating. She worked in private practice as an Eating Disorders Specialist for over 11 years and has extensive experience working with both individuals and groups on all parts of the disordered eating spectrum. Emma is a recognized expert in disordered eating and regularly speaks internationally on this topic at conferences and summits. She is an accredited trainer and all her trainings are approved continuing education programs.

Since 2017 Emma and her team have been training other health professionals in person and online in her evidence-based program for Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Disorder – Eating Freely. There is now a network of Eating Freely practitioners throughout Ireland, the UK, the USA and as far afield as South Africa and Singapore. Binge Eating Disorder is one of the least well recognised eating disorders but is by far the most prevalent. Emma has made it her mission to raise awareness of the spectrum of Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Disorder among both professionals and the public, so the almost 1 in 5 adults who struggle with BED can access the specialist support they deserve and need to overcome this difficult, often long-standing issue. In 2023 Emma was accredited as a Global Thought Leader in Trauma Informed Healthcare by the All-Ireland Business Foundation.

Emma is a passionate advocate for the integration of psychological support with mainstream medicine and actively campaigns for medical practitioners and others working in obesity-related healthcare to be trained in and understand the impact of trauma in unhelpful and unhealthy relationships with food. Credentials: BA(Hons) Psychology, PGDip Counselling and Psychotherapy, FETAC Trainer, HSE approved Group Facilitator, Eating Disorder Specialist Psychotherapist (NCFED UK).