Veteran Tattoo Artist Spills the Ink on Tattoos and Toxins

Veteran Tattoo Artist Spills the Ink on Tattoos and Toxins

Matt Goss, owner of Syndicate Tattoo in Manhattan, Kansas, shares his extensive experience in the tattoo industry. With over 18 years of tattooing and 25 years in the industry, Matt has done thousands of tattoos and built a strong reputation. He emphasizes the importance of waiting and making informed decisions before getting a tattoo. Matt also discusses the regulatory landscape in the industry, including the Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act, and the need for responsible aftercare. He provides advice on selecting an artist and shares the social channels for Syndicate Tattoo.

* Matt Goss has over 18 years of experience in tattooing and 25 years in the industry.
* He advises people to wait and make informed decisions before getting a tattoo.
* The tattoo industry is facing regulatory changes, such as the Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act.
* Proper aftercare is crucial for the healing process and maintaining the quality of the tattoo.
* Selecting the right artist is important, and Syndicate Tattoo has a strong reputation in the industry.
* Matt Goss and Syndicate Tattoo can be found on their website and social media channels.

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