Why Are You Sick and Fat? Dr. Fettke Explains in 1 Minute || Brenda Geiger

Why Are You Sick and Fat? Dr. Fettke Explains in 1 Minute || Brenda Geiger

Why Are You Sick and Fat? Dr. Fettke Explains in 1 Minute || Brenda Geiger

Dr. Gary Fettke lost and won back his right to administer dietary advice to his clients in Australia. The battle last nearly 5 years and ended with Dr. Fettke being cleared of all accusations and being given a formal apology from the Australian Medical Board.

In his wife Belinda's words, "His only 'crime' was recommending patients with weight related joint issues, inflammation and Type 2 diabetes, reduce sugar and processed carbohydrates from their diet to improve their health outcomes."

Dr. Fettke choose not to return to his senior surgical position at the hospital he worked for because of opposing views in diet guidelines being given to patients with diabetes. He prefers to help people get well through lifestyle changes vs. unnecessary medications or surgeries.

He is one of 5 other medical professionals to be reprimanded to cease low-carb dietary advise and to stick to the to the government mandated dietary guidelines, which all agree are grossly outdated and skewed political by large food companies and agricultural lobbyist (see list below).

1. Professor Tim Noakes (South Africa)
2. Dr Annika Dahlqvist (Sweden)
3. Caryn Zinn (New Zealand dietitian)
4. Jennifer Elliott (Australian Dietitian
5. Dr. Shawn Baker, American orthopedic surgeon
As an orthopedic surgeon, he found that his diabetes patients no longer had joint pain once they adopted a low-carb, high-fat, low sugar diet.โ  After adopting a LCHF diet many patients no longer needed amputations or a lifelong sentence to insulin medications.
After further digging, by his wife Belinda, the Fettke's learned that a dietician in the hospital where he worked had anonymously triggered the investigation against him. After even more research, Gary and Belinda Fettke learned that the expert witness used against him was a company called Sanitarium, a breakfast cereal company in Australia and New Zealand. They also found, Dr. Fettke was being targeted by the breakfast cereal industry as a whole, including Kellogg's Company.
Dr. Fettke won the case against his credibility as a physician in 2018 after a lengthy and expensive legal battle.โ 
He calls himself the ex-silenced orthopedic surgeon advocating for real food.โ 

โ Dr. Fettke is the author of Inversion: One Man's Answer for World Peace and Global Health. You can purchase the book at ISupportGary.com or at the link below:
#BrendaGeiger #wholefood #lowcarb #keto #paleo #nosugar #highfructose #surgeon #drgaryfettke #diet #disease #wellness #dietary #guidelines #lawsuit #โ amputation #diabetes #thyroid #veggies #holisticnutrition #cleaneatingโ  #lowcarbdiet #weightloss #autoimmune #diabetesawareness #healthydiet
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