Aging Well in an Anti-Aging Society
The Wellness WhispererFebruary 20, 2024x
00:41:3928.65 MB

Aging Well in an Anti-Aging Society

Move over anti-aging. There's a new movement in town called Positive Aging.

Today's guest, Lisa Murphy, 57, is an Ashville-based licensed Life and Health Coach. She teaches yoga and takes women ages 30-90 on wellness retreats in the Great Smoky Mountains of NC to help women embrace their life, their beauty, and the chapter they're writing.

Lisa Murphy is a positive aging expert and coach spreading the news of the vitality you can feel if you eat your vegetables, move your body, and choose to hang out with the right people and the right partner.

We discuss how the US has not embraced aging like Japan, China, Korea, or Vietnam. In Eastern Asia, parents are respected and cared for vs. being put in homes and forgotten.

And America doesn't care for seniors like Switzerland, which ranks first as the best country to live in if you're 60 or older. A 60-year-old in Switzerland can expect to live an average of 25 years more, with 19 of those years being in good health. Switzerland also has an above-regional average rate of social connectedness.

Social connectedness is something Lisa Murphy instills in her yoga classes and mountain retreats.

Other positive aging experts mentioned in this episode are:
Dr. Kaye Cleave, AgeingDisgracefully_ (
@SilverLiberation with 78K followers on Instagram
Susan M Lang Photographer at on Instagram
@graytdaysahead (embracing your gray hair)

You can reach Lisa Murphy via email at or through her website at She has a retreat planned for April if you're interested.

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