How to Navigate an Often Biased Healthcare System
The Wellness WhispererFebruary 27, 2024x
00:47:3232.7 MB

How to Navigate an Often Biased Healthcare System

Our healthcare system is complex and unfortunately often biased against minorities and African American patients. For the past 20 years, Dr. Steele has witnesses the biases and helped her patients receive respectful, quality care despite their heritage, race, or religion.

Dr. Steele agrees that the gaps and equities in healthcare became apparent during the pandemic.

As only one of 5.7% of physicians in America who is mixed race or black, Dr. Steele advocates for health access and the respect and care for all human beings. She advices that black patients consider bringing a representative to their physician visits to ensure they are heard and treated with respect because even unconscious bias occurs every day.

Life expectancy for black patients is 10 years less than compared to white patients. Black Americans are 11% uninsured compared to the 7% of white Americans.

When looking at adults with mental illness issues, 39% of African Americans are uninsured; 36% of Hispanic Americans are uninsured; and 25% of Asian Americans are uninsured. The look of commercial insurers is an huge impediment to access to care and many minorities are not in the position to pay cash for holistic care or healthcare in general.

Dr. Steele shares examples of the micro aggressions, bullying, dismissive behaviors, and other barriers that minorities have been navigating for years.

For a deeper dive into these issues, read Dr. Steele's blog posts (below) about healthcare bias and finding a black holistic doctor:

How to Reach and Work with Dr. Erica Steele:


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